Create an Account

Direct Link:

Two-factor Authentication (2FA) is required for all accounts to ensure the security of your funds. Certain actions on the platform like withdrawing funds require 2FA to perform.

➡️ To Create an Account:

Choose the method that best suits your preferences and experience Thunder's user-friendly account creation process.

  1. Wallet Sign-up:

    • Utilize the seamless integration with Thunder by joining with your preferred wallets, including Metamask, Coinbase Wallet, WalletConnect, and Browser Wallet.

  2. Twitter Authentication:

    • Opt for the Twitter authentication method to seamlessly link your Twitter account with Thunder.

  3. Discord Authentication:

    • Alternatively, select the Discord authentication method to effortlessly link your Discord account with Thunder.

  4. A cloud wallet has been generated for you

  5. Enable your 2 Factor Authentication

    1. Install Google Authenticator (iOS - Android).

    2. In the authenticator app, select `+`

    3. Select "Scan a QR Code" and use your phone's camera to scan the QR code below (please don't share with anyone this code). If you prefer you can enter the code directly.

    4. Enter the code from your authenticator app. Then, click verify.

  6. Welcome to thunder

Last updated