
🏆 How does the leaderboard work?

Thunder's leaderboard shows the performance of our users based on points earned. Points are based on traded volume and side actions such as referrals.

It's split in Weekly and All-Time to keep track of the top weekly performers and All-time top traders.

The aim of it is to create a safe and funny competition among our users to reach the top.

ℹī¸ How to earn points?

Points could be earned in multiple ways:

  1. Trading Volume: Any trading related Cloud Module (DeFi, Friend.tech) generates points based on how much the user has traded. The more volume the user generates, the more points are earned.

  2. Referrals: Refer your friends, make them join Thunder and gain extra points. Follow the dedicated guide.

  3. Twitter: Post your success tagging @ThunderTerminal on Twitter and earn extra points.

  4. Friend.tech: Buy @semperveritas0 keys on Friend.tech to get point multipliers.

đŸĨ‡ What are the prizes?

Prizes are juicy but not disclosed yet. Could be something, could be nothing, who knows 👀.

0ī¸âƒŖ What is SZN 0?

SZN 0 is the leaderboard starting season. It has a starting date and an end. New seasons will follow.

Last updated