Create From .csv

You can mass import your accounts using the accs.csv file model below.

Once filled, use the Import feature you find in Settings to import the file.

If you changed a Twitter Account, make sure to remove the previous Twitter Token.

Data Needed

  1. The accs.csv file above.

  2. Google sheets/Rons Editor (Windows)/Table Tool (macOS)

  3. Wallet private keys.

  4. Twitter accounts.

  5. Discord accounts.

  6. Emails/Catchall.

  7. Proxies.


Identifier: Enter the name of the account. The fastest way is to type a value easily convertible into a sequence. eg. account1

Address: Enter the wallet address.

Private Key: Enter the private key.

If you would like to generate new wallets enter "RANDOM".

You can only enter the private key and the Address will be automatically filled in the bot.

Twitter: Enter your accounts in the following format->name:password:phonenumber or name:password:email. eg. test1:mypassword:+163833389 eg.

Discord: Enter the Discord account token. If you purchased them, the provider should have sent them to you.

Email: Enter your emails (Gmail, Outlook...) or catchall.

ā€¢ You can assign custom names to each catchall in order to make it more legit or leave the domain with nothing in front eg. and the bot will automatically fill it randomly. ā€¢ Please refer to

Proxy: Enter the proxy in the ip:port:user:pass format.

Edit Accounts

To edit your accounts, export the .csv, edit it and import it again.

Last updated