
Mass Join

ACCOUNT: Choose the account/s to run


RAFFLE URL: Enter the Discord URL eg. https://discord.gg/nfthunder

MODE: Entry

REACTION URL: Enter the reaction URL eg. https://discord.com/channels/896008528827920386/914877718263390228/914925285818925117

ENTRY DELAY: Enter your desired delay [s] eg. 100 eg. 60-200

Mass Leave

ACCOUNT: Choose the account/s to run


MODE: Leave

CUSTOM FIELD: If you would like not to leave certain Discord servers, enter the server IDs in the custom field separated by ";". eg. 896008528827920386;528021205538570250

ENTRY DELAY: Enter your desired delay [s] eg. 100 eg. 60-200

Send Message

ACCOUNT: Choose the account/s to run


MODE: Entry

RAFFLE URL: Enter the Discord channel URL

You can retrieve it by right clicking on a message sent in that channel->Copy Message Link and removing the last part. Example below. ā€¢ Full Message URL: https://discord.com/channels/896008528827920386/945442241575534612/1077256338570223787 ā€¢ Channel URL: https://discord.com/channels/896008528827920386/945442241575534612

CUSTOM FIELD: Enter the text you would like to send eg. Hello, this is a test!

ENTRY DELAY: Enter your desired delay [s] eg. 100 eg. 60-200

Last updated