
Account: Choose the account/s to run.

Contract Address: Enter the contract address.

Function/Hex Data: Enter the mint function or Hex.

Parameters: Enter the mint parameter/s.

Price: Enter the total mint price based on the quantity you would like to mint.

Gas: Choose based on your estimations.

ā›½pageModes - Gas Modes

Custom Gas Limit: Adjust it ONLY if you are sure of what you are doing and you think it's should be adjusted.

Transactions Count: Enter the desired amount of tasks you would like to send for each wallet. The bot will send the transactions one after the other (based on the number you entered). eg. 3 -> sends 3 txn

The value you entered applies for each wallet.

RPC Node: ā€¢ Random: Picks from your nodes and assign randomly to each task. ā€¢ Select the node: Select other node to be assigned to the task/

Last updated