Blur Lending

Read before running the module

  • Proxies are heavily suggested. ISP recommended.

  • The bot will ladder a maximum of 150 offers, all with different amounts and APY. Each ladder step differs by 0.1 from the previous one. There are 2 different ways to define the starting ETH amount: 1. ETH Underbid: The bot will fetch the highest ETH amount offer for the specified APY and underbid it by your chosen amount (eg. if the highest 0% APY offer is 10.5 and your underbid amount is 0.2, the starting amount will be 10.3) 2. Max Lending Amount: This is for users who chose their own starting amount (eg. 10.2)

  • Both APY and ETH amount should have maximum of a single decimal (eg 10.1 and not 10.12)

How points work

  • Loan offers with highest ETH amount and lowest APY earn the highest amount of points.

The mechanics of how the bids are accepted differs from the regular Bid one and it's still kind of a mystery based on the documentation. If any of your offer get accepted, it's not related to how the bot works.

Account: Choose the account/s to run.

Marketplace: Blur

Collection URL: Enter the collection URL. eg.

ETH Underbid Amount: The bot will fetch the highest ETH amount offer for the specified APY and underbid it by your chosen amount

Min Interest Rate (APY): This is the starting interest rate for your offer

Max Lending Amount: This is for users who chose their own starting amount

Offers Count: How many offers the bot will submit for each step of the ladder ā€¢ You can enter "max" and it automatically adjust based on you balance

Monitor Delay (ms): Delay between each check before checking the bids again. (5000-10000 suggested)

RPC Node: ā€¢ Random: Picks from your nodes and assign randomly to each task. ā€¢ Select the node: Select other node to be assigned to the task/s.

Setup Examples

Example 1

Max Amount: 10 Min APY: 0

Submitted Offers: 10 - 0 9.9 - 0.1 9.8 - 0.2 9.7 - 0.3 ... and so on

Example 2

Eth Underbid Amount: 0.3 Min APY: 0 Highest 0% APY Offer: 10.5

Submitted Offers: 10.2 - 0 10.1 - 0.1 10 - 0.2 9.9 - 0.3 9.8 - 0.4 ... and so on

Last updated